"Teach thy tongue to say 'I don't know', and thou shalt progress"

Natural Health

Improve your overall health through regular Aerobic Training. Don’t rely on supplements or medications – Health Experts will confirm that aerobic exercise is the natural way to look and feel fantastic.

More and more people these days are resorting to medications and crash or fad diets to improve health and lose unwanted weight. Because of this, less people are taking note of the amazing health benefits of regular Aerobic activity. The activities are free, and easy to take up; running and/ or jogging, for example. All you need is a good and comfy pair of shoes. If you take on regular physical activities like these you will undoubtedly improve your personal fitness and appearance, aswell as achieving a healthier heart and better overall mood and well being. Feel fitter and rid yourself of stress with simple, regular Aerobic activity.

The healthier your heart is, the easier it is to climb stairs, walk or jog long distances, and generally handle the every physical tasks of life. It also means your body looks and feels at it’s best. The more regularly you exercise, the healthier you heart will be. With this will come improved muscle density and improved bone strength (i.e. a lower risk of breakage that sometimes occurs with age.)

Medical research has stated that moderate to intense physical workouts cause the body to release mood elevating substances called ‘Endorphins’. These relieve us of stress and anxiety. When exercise is executed and this effect occurs it is often referred to as a ‘runners high’.

There is such a thing as too much Aerobic training and it is important not to push yourself too far. If the body is under too much stress for prolonged periods of time, too much physical pressure, the hormone Cortisol can be released, amongst other things, and this can be extremely harmful to your health. Work at a high intensity, but only as long as it feels comfortable and good. Stress in any form is extremely detrimental to health and well being, too many white blood cells can be released, and then when we cool down again, the number falls to dangerous levels – leaving us open to bacteria, infections, and even serious illness. Exercise moderation, in all areas of life. Keep your immune system strong.

Start your Aerobic exercise with simple activities such as walking or jogging intermittently throughout your day. Increase the length of time spent exercising and the distance traveled as time passes, you will soon notice wonderful improvements in your personal fitness.

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