"You canÕt use up creativity.Ê The more you use, the more you have"
Maya Angelou

Natural Health

The health benefits of engaging in regular physical activities are endless, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the time and the space to properly execute an exercise routine. Pilates training has grown extremely popular in recent years, primarily because it can be done by anyone, and pretty much anywhere; even people who suffer from physical ailments, including wheelchair users, have taken to Pilates and spoken about its benefits.


Be Happy

Leading a happy life goes hand in hand with good health. Being free from physical ailments, and free from emotional or mental strains and stresses means being at peace and truly relaxed and happy with life. Achieving good health can be an ongoing process, but there are certainly a few simple lifestyle changes you can make to start out on the right track. For becoming a fit and healthy individual, Pilates is fantastic. People of all levels of fitness can take part in Pilates.

A German boxer name Joseph Pilates came up with the exercise methods used in Pilates, back in the 1920’s. The idea is to execute slow and controlled movements, keeping breathing focused and never losing concentration. There are over 500 exercise that have developed as part of Pilates. Classically each movement is about full concentration, movements that flow smoothly, and deep and controlled breathing. Over the years new exercises developed to make the activity more accessible to all types of individuals.


Core Strength

The key objectives of Pilates are to improve core muscle strength and develop flexibility. The muscles included under the term ‘core’ are those that balance out the abdomen, spine, shoulders and pelvis. These muscles are crucial when it comes to controlling movements and transferring energy; i.e. when you shift your body weight and movements in a particular direction. It is important to have a strong ‘Core’ to make sure the stress of weight-bearing is distributed so that the back is supported and protected from injury.


Aid Physical Ailments

People with limited movements, or whose physical ailments limit them to wheelchair use or other means of aid, can still engage in Pilates. The exercises are designed to promote a sense of physical and mental well-being, combine with inner physical awareness – becoming more familiar with your core and your muscles, strengthening them, without adding bulk. The exercises are superb for dancers or athletes who do not wish to gain mass


Improve Your Body

Pilates can also be of use to those who want to prevent future injury, or who are in the process of rehabilitating from injury; the exercises are essential for improving posture, balance and circulation. Pregnant women can also benefit as the moves help develop improved alignment of the body and enhanced concentration; similarly after pregnancy Pilates can be used to improve body shape. After ten sessions of Pilates, it is thought that an individual will feel better within themselves. After 20 sessions it is thought that the individual will physically look better, and after 30 sessions, in theory, the body will appear completely revamped.

It is important to seek proper guidance for the exercises involved in Pilates so that the movements are done slowly and carefully in order to promote smooth movements, with light stretching during the cool down period at the end.

With proper use of regular Pilates you can expect health benefits ranging from looking and feeling better, to feeling stronger, more flexible, with better balance and less instance of injury. You can target specific areas if desired and tone these up with particular moves. You can develop toned abdominal muscles, toned arms and legs, repair injuries attained from other sports, and experience moments of extreme relaxation; feel healthy, fit, and free from stress.


Improved Well Being

The health benefits that come with Pilates have helped make it one of the most popular forms of exercise of recent years. Pilates has the power to completely change the way you think about your body, and subsequently improve your overall well being and happiness. When combined with a healthy and nutritious diet, Pilates is a great physical activity that will help you on the road to good health and improved well-bring.

NB: It is important to note that Pilates should not be used to replace genuine physical therapy. Individuals wishing to engage in an activity of this kind are advised to seek medical advice and/or approval from health specialists before they begin. Some people with chronic injuries or certain other health conditions may not be able to engage in the practice of Pilates.

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