The secret to getting ahead is getting started
Mark Twain

Natural Health

Nutrition has a lot in common with engineering.

The engine in your car needs fuel in order to work properly. Your body does too! Your body needs air too, and a little spark to get it going.

If an engine is contaminated it will struggle to function, particularly when going uphill, it will splutter and choke, and this may even result in it breaking down for good. This is similarly to how your body works; if you are not getting the nutrients you need, you become poorly, you get symptoms that low you down and make you struggle more and more with everyday tasks. In worst case scenarios if untreated the body ends up shutting down completely, just like an engine would. Rid yourself of toxins regularly, make sure your fuel (food) is pure and clean and free from pollutants or harmful chemicals. Know what you are consuming. Take care of yourself!

If you eat bad or contaminated food, you will experience symptoms such as fatigue, vomiting, diarrhoea. If you consistently eat bad food, or ‘junk’ food, the symptoms will become more frequent, and your organs and different parts of your body will be affected. Eat organic where possible. Drink plenty of fresh water, eat fruits and vegetables, limit your intake of high fat food, red meat and dairy. Eat plenty of fresh, oily fish for nutrients, and get plenty of fresh air and exercise! If you don’t use an engine for a long time – quite often it ceases to work properly!

What you eat can make you ill. Poor diet causes illness. This is a fact known and stated by many researchers and health experts. Headaches, aching joints, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, indigestion, constipation.. These are all ailments caused directly by poor diet.

A quick tip for ideal health benefits: Fruit is good for you at any time of the day, but try to eat it alone at least half an hour after and before any other food – this way your body has the energy and space to take all the nutrients it needs from a single piece of fruit.

Sort your diet out, get a bit of knowledge about what’s good to eat and what’s not, and the chances are you will no longer feel tired and achey throughout the day. Just like when you fill up your car with the right kind of fuel – suddenly it bursts into life again! It really is that simple. Take care of yourself.

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