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Natural Health

Everybody everywhere seems to at one stage or another look for a quick and easy way to lose weight and shed body fat. There are endless promotions out there for fad diets, slimming pills, super magical exercise equipment and gym classes, but sadly; they are often more expensive than they are effective.

If you want to lose weight, drop pounds, shed fat; try to gather a basic understanding of the food choices you make, and how different types of exercise can be utilized to get the best results. A little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to fat loss.

Know Your Diet

The first thing you need to consider is your diet. To keep it simple – cut down on carbohydrates, especially simple carbs, and particularly in the evening time; you are unlikely to burn them off at this time of day and they will only be converted into more fat. The overall rule is that you need to burn more calories than you eat. Remember this, and with a little will power you will be on the right track.

Practice Weight Training

Having muscle on your body means you will burn way more calories at resting rate than you would without. Every pound of muscle you gain will burn up to 50 more calories than previously while you are rested. Lift weights and train, even if just at home; it really will make all the difference to your every day life.

Take up Cardio

Cardio Vascular exercise is crucial; it burns more fat than any other type of exercise. The best time to do it, scientifically, is immediately after waking up, or after lifting weights. This is the point at which the body is in a glycogen depleted state; before it has consumed any carbs or fat. The high intensity workout of interval Cardio training will be vastly more effective at burning fat than endurance cardio (resistance based). Read up on the exercises and the knowledge will set you on the path to fat loss.

There is no quick fix to losing fat, losing weight, or leading a healthy and happy life. You have to make the changes required and stick with them. Basic understanding of exercise principles and diet will mean you have the tools there for you to succeed. Combine this with a little determination and focus and the fat will fall off in no time. Make it happen!

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