"Teach thy tongue to say 'I don't know', and thou shalt progress"


Winter inevitably comes with colder, darker days, and, for some, general feelings of misery and gloom. It makes us want to stay indoors, wrapped up warm and cosy; the problem is this can actually make us feel even worse. Fortunately, there are many simple things we can do to keep ourselves active and feeling lively and happy and well. Here are some quick and easy starting points to stay fit, beat the winter blues, and even lose weight over Christmas.


Yoga and Pilates.

Joining a local Yoga or Pilates class will help you get out and about, meet new and like minded people, and tone up your muscles so you look and feel fantastic. It’s a great way to stay fit during the winter months and is an indoor activity so you still stay warm and well whilst making sure your body is in tip top shape for when summer comes back around.



Going for a bike ride is great fun any time of year and is fantastic for keeping fit and/or losing weight. The air is crisp and cool in the winter so a bike ride can be extremely refreshing; just make sure to bundle up warm before you set off to keep your body and skin safe from the low temperatures. If you need motivation, get your friends and family involved and make a day of it. Alternatively, some people like to listen to music whilst cycling; this is a great way to stay motivated, but for health and safety reasons it is advised that you only use one ear phone when cycling in busy areas, so that you can hear the traffic and potential dangers around you.



Simply going out for a walk is a great way to get yourself out and about and moving around. The speed or distance of the walk is not as important as the act itself; the benefits you will receive from regular walking are incomparable. Walking during the winter will help burn off those extra comfort calories you consume, plus the cold air will give your metabolism a well earned boost.


Meet With Friends

Staying active and sociable in the winter is crucial for getting that fresh air and activity your body desperately needs when the temperature has dropped. Schedule regular meet ups with your favourite people; either at a coffee shop, gym, or even just a friends house – the walk will keep you active and you’ll have a lot of fun hanging out with them once you’re there. Simple pleasures help keep us happy and well during this cold and gloomy time of year.


Plant a Winter Garden

If gardening is a favourite past time of yours in the Spring and Summer months, then there’s absolutely no reason to stop later in the year just because the temperature has fallen. A great way to keep active with your gardening over the Christmas period is to plant a winter garden. Do a little research and you will see that there are many, many things you can plant and grow successfully in the winter, wherever you are in the world.

Don’t let winter get you down this year – stay active, stay fit, and stay happy!

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