"Cynics regard everybody as equally corrupt... Idealists regard everybody as equally corrupt, except themselves."
Robert Anton Wilson

Natural Health

Most of us have heard of high protein diets as a means of looking more lean or simply losing weight. Many researchers have suggested that a diet high in protein can help people control their calorie intake and keep a low appetite. An average diet should typically consist of around 30% protein, so to be considered as having a high protein diet – you would have to consume food consisting of at least 50% protein.

The problem is, most of us find it difficult to get even that initial 30% into our every day diets. Protein just isn’t as movable as other types of food. The ideal sources are foods such as fish, meat, dairy and beans; unfortunately, when it comes to busy modern day living, these just aren’t as convenient as the carb filled alternatives such as bread, pasta, crackers, rice etc. Or, if they are available, it’s usually as a poorly cooked (i.e. fried or nuked) serving.

For this reason many of us don’t get the protein we need.

If you want to be fitter, or lose a certain amount of weight, you need to pay close attention to your diet and exercise, and you need to make sure you have access to the high protein foods you need, as well as the right kinds of carbs to keep your energy up. This will lead to a higher volume of lean muscle tissue in your body, which will ultimately help you burn more fat to turn into fuel. The benefits of a high protein diet also include appetite control, so you will feel less hungry than when just simply cutting calories.

In various studies, a high protein diet has been known to have numerous health benefits. People used in research have been reported to have a higher level of satisfaction after eating, less hunger throughout the day, a greater level of weight loss, and improved levels of fat within their blood.

Protein is needed throughout life to maintain good health, because it aids not only our growth and development, but our immune system, and our ability to fight off infection; thus keeping the body protected from illness.To simplify how much you need in order to be considered healthy – if you are consuming 1,800 calories per day, you should ideally be taking in somewhere between 45 and 158 grams of protein, according to the Institute of Health’s Dietary Reference (DRI) This is of course also depending on how much physical exercise you engage in.

Typically, it is advised that the average man consumes 56 grams of protein per day, and the average woman – 46 grams of protein per day.

If you wish to take on a higher protein diet; switch around some of the foods you consume each day, make sure you get access to what you need, wherever you will be. There are no known dangers associated with too much protein, as long as you do not suffer from disease of the kidney or liver.

If you are increasing your protein intake for the first time, be sure to do it slowly; ideally over the course of at least a week. It is always advisable to check with your doctor before taking on any new changes to your diet.

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